People who feel they are already over taxed by every level of government get really pissed when it is suggested they pay even more taxes. 9. There are the 1%, who own the wealth and the means to produce wealth, and the rest of us, the 99%, who sell their labour to produce profit for the 1%. Your Social Security is a social program. 1 - The Americans who are afraid of socialism don't want it on principle. Here are the ten plausible reasons that led to the disbandment of the Soviet Union and, subsequently, to the downfall of the communist doctrine in Europe. So when people fear socialism they fear it because they were told that it is bad and scary. Why would anyone ever exchange capitalism for socialism/communism. Answer (1 of 2): They need help because they don't plan properly. Those regimes do not tolerate dissent and there will always be opposition against them. Socialism is guilty of a fatal conceit: It believes its system . Every country that tried has either become a failed nation or remained a third world country. So long as humans have emotions, they will also experience unpleasant ones, including envy and hostility toward anyone who is perceived to be more privileged. Why would anyone ever exchange capitalism for socialism/communism. 1. A socialist is skeptical regarding this. Why does socialism fail? According to Sanders, socialism — or "democratic socialism," his preferred formulation — is basically mainstream Democratic Party liberalism but more so. A Delusional Utopia So if you socialism lovers are willing to work hard and those that are less motivated on leach on you then YES socialism works. And they see independent thinkers as a threat . Venezuela is a stark example of this principle. As a matter of fact, among all programs introduced by the Obama administration, nothing is more contentious than Obamacare, despite the fact that it cost less than 14% of Social Security's $870 billion or about 20% of Medicare's $597 billion in 2015. Answer (1 of 2): Because it doesn't work just ask Venezuela,Poland, Hungary,Romania,Soviet union, Czechoslovakia,east Germany, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia need I go on But I believe it's a moot point anyway. Science, however, cannot create ends and, even less, instill . So people make the mistake of thinking that. The people, as manifested by the government, do not control the production and distribution of capital or products in the U.S., anywhere. This can mean they own their shops as co-ops on the market, to owning it collectively through the state (basically). You seem to be a rare minori. As the primary motivator behind every territorial conflict in recorded history, it's clear that . The Nazis were right-wing compared to the Communists, but they called themselves socialists because they were in favor of tremendous intervention in the private sector in business, a nationalized health care scheme, confiscation of weaponry from citizens. 1. That's why americans are getting disillusionned with capitalism. People are literally starving in these failed states, sometimes on a massive scale. on October 24, 2012 at 7:56 pm Sam. As he wrote in 1924, "The adoption of NEP was a collapse of our illusions . This 'classroom experiment' is a false analogy, because it assumes that a person's place in society is determined solely by how hard they work. A lot fewer people that are in the country today have that work ethic. Nothing about socialism advocates for those ideals and therefore socialists are not liberal. . A communist doesn't believe it at all. The people CHOSE a socialist President (Chavez) and that President immediately began the process of making his regime permanent and un-removable. 40% of americans don't even have 400$ in their bank account for an emergency. It doesn't change our type of government. So the answer to your question is America will fundamentally change to the worse. If you can't reap the rewards of your risks and work, there's no point in doing either. Here Reagen explains in a joke why socialism doesn't work America was always the alternative to socialism. Answer (1 of 170): Because it's 100% true. National Socialism is a racist ideology because it judges people according to their race, which does not mean its not okay, if the person doesnt think that he is superior just because he is an Aryan and only judges people based on their race until a certain level. 1. I couldn't wait to turn 15 so I could work at a McDonald's. After college, I worked a FT job, plus 2 PT jobs waitressing & retail. Basically, all industry is collectively owned by the state. Sorry if sounds a little harsh. We have over a hundred years and millions of bodies to prove socialism doesn't work. First of all it won't be Biden, it will be Harris. 2 - Americans who are afraid of socialism know that it doesn't work. It's because socialism doesn't work. we thought then that our peacetime policy would be a continuation of the centralized planning system of that period. Why most communist/socialist in Quora turned out to be tankies. The worker protection laws of the past 100 years, such as work week laws, wage laws, safety regulations, unemployment comp, workers comp, and food stamps have helped preserve and promote our capitalist economic system. Reply. but on the right they dont even know what it means, they literally think the definition of socialism/communism is "everything the democrats stand for" It entails single-payer health care . *'Marxist' in scare quotes because a lot of what we call Marxism probably wouldn't meet with Marx's approval. Liberal does not equal socialist. Only that it wasn't done the "right way" or by the "right people". Socialism does not work because it is not consistent with fundamental principles of human behavior. But what nobody pays attention to is that MOST Americans don't need that costly medical care all that often. If someone left, the government would interrogate their whole family. Socialism leads to Communism because you end up having to force people to accept a lower standard of living, complete government control, and loss of basic human instinct to be successful. Socialists, by that I mean the "true believers", are convinced their policies will work, in fact must work. It wasn't successful because of a socialist/communist ideology and no country ever has been. Using Russia's past as an example, here are eight of the main reasons why communism doesn't work. Why are people so lazy? Detta gör det möjligt för personer att lära av varandra och bättre förstå. . They hate to admit climate changes all the time, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, sometimes warmer, sometimes colder. If they returned, the person was jailed indefinitely. Answer (1 of 2): Because it doesn't work just ask Venezuela,Poland, Hungary,Romania,Soviet union, Czechoslovakia,east Germany, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia need I go on Let socialism die like disco. They either lack the time or ability to critique what others have shared where they could then determine their own understanding of the world. most of the successful countries in europe have succeeded because (a) they embrace free market principles with regard to businesses rather than nationalizing those businesses or taxing and regulating them out of existence (denmark tops the heritage foundation list of business-friendly countries nearly every year); (b) they have had to slash their … The rest of the developed world are NOT Democratic Socialist nations. So if you socialism lovers are willing to work hard and those that are less motivated on leach on you then YES socialism works. When people work and produce they have the means to buy what they wish—monetary payments for work are merely a means of exchange for people to trade goods and services. Det är en plattform för att ställa frågor och komma i kontakt med personer som bidrar med unika insikter och svar av hög kvalitet. Yikes. When people work and produce they have the means to buy what they wish—monetary payments for work are merely a means of exchange for people to trade goods and services. Co-operatives are a capitalist model. Answer (1 of 12): Because they fear facts. 1. THE DESTRUCTION OF CLASS DIVISION Under capitalism, people are divided on the basis of class. There is a divide so wide that it's a gulf between Socialism as a government type and government provided social programs. 3. level 1. throwinshapes. It seems like Most of Millennials have been looked down upon in society and think that socialism would solve there problems. Like so many others, this author falls into the "left-right" trap. Quora är en plats att få och dela kunskap. Establishing it, funding it and implementing it did not create socialism in the U.S. It's a program. A communist could be a socialist, however a socialist isn't essentially a communist. Socialism in America is perceived as a stigma that has dogged not only Sanders's campaign but also Obama's entire presidency. But anyway, leftists support socialism for two reasons ; They think they're going to be the ones in charge once the government consolidates power and becomes tyrannical. With 217 mass shootings this year do you think the republicans in Texas made a huge blunder when they allowed 18 year olds to buy guns, in light of the recent school mass murder event where 19 . Only that it wasn't done the "right way" or by the "right people". The Politics of Food in Venezuela. The majority of developed nations are mixed economies, largely capitalist but with advanced social programs. American conservatism rejects that notion. 3: Socialism works if it's "democratic." As the Democratic Socialists of America put it, "Society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few." Sounds. This also doesn't work; most people who work in a company are not interested in knowing in detail how the company works, and have no great talent for making those sorts of decisions. Biden's emergency nationally televised speech said at least four why.why doesn't the US control guns? . A communist thinks that the crate itself is rotten. 2. Every country that tried has either become a failed nation or remained a third world country. Socialism fails because while most individuals don't want others to have more than they have, few are averse to having more than . The government doesn't take my money to help me. . For your reward, most sentient people on Quora will wonder why you didn't search the other 99,999 answers. Even if it was biden. Started to open it again today and found a tankie that says "Hey yo US destroyed Muslim (im Indonesian)nation work with PRC instead" Ignoring territorial . Because there desperate. This paradigm arose from the French Revolution where the anti royalist republicans were on the left and those . Why "Twenty-First-Century Socialism" Failed. You can voice dissent in a democracy but not in socialism. Why does socialism rarely if ever work? The U.S. doesn't have universal health care because: People who have to work hard for their own health care get really pissed when it is suggested that they will also pay for someone else's healthcare, too. Since the work will have a lot more value, and fewer people are able to do it, he'll make a lot more money as an aerospace.

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why socialism doesn't work quora
