I have seen fandom split hairs over the fact that Neville's Boggart is Snape and not Bell Harry's father, James Potter, was also at odds with Snape, and members of the Order of the Phoenix suggest that Harry's inherent dislike of Snape was inherited from James. To keep the students safe and allow the Order to take control of the castle, Snape knocks them out before he flees . He looked as though he was on the verge of tears. Professor Neville Longbottom (b. In the 6th book of the series, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price, Snape's lineage was revealed. If we discover this, we find Snape's boggart. If anything, this fact really cements the idea that Snape was not the hero that Harry made him out to be in the end. Being the only person, probably the only thing in the world, Snape had any affection for, Lily's death might have been the answer, at least at one point. I'm going to die. He brought the greasy-haired, brooding, and eventually selfless character to life. Ron could sympathize with that. Free Snape and let Neville alone. Cruel, vindictive, and petty, Snape often made Harry's classmate Neville Longbottom, played by Matthew Lewis, the object of his bullying. Snape was tormenting a little boy and trying to get others on board. "Harry hoped in his heart that he too would be forgiven. I have seen fandom split hairs over the fact that Neville's Boggart is Snape and not Bell As to Neville bullying Scorpius, you simply cannot compare Neville with Snape. When Lily Evans tried to tell him about something these future Death Eaters did to a student he called it "just a laugh", when . Neville was bullied to the point where the thing he feared the most was Snape. . As Juneja goes on to point out, there are also other reasons Snape might have singled Neville out, including Snape's general superiority complex, hatred of Gryffindors, and his general bullying. He tries to poison Neville's toad, makes fun of Hermione's appearance, attempts to subject an innocent man to the Dementor's Kiss . Neville had a good home, unarguably kind and supportive grandmom and a bunch of good.. really good friends. Harry was abused, Snape was abused and so were Neville and Draco to name a few. Michaelsanders 18:52, 22 November . Unable to leave her alone, he stayed behind to keep her safe. "Everyone gather 'round," said Snape, his black eyes glittering, "and watch what happens to Longbottom's toad. Neville's parents were well-respected Aurors and members of the original Order of the Phoenix until they were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and three other Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse when he was about sixteen months old. On at least two occasion,s Snape took it upon himself to belittle Neville in front of a crowd, including at least one other professor. love," but the bullying that Neville and Hermione face at the hands of the Potions master seems more like . Snape moved away, leaving Neville breathless with fear. What's important is what Neville knew and Neville did not knew he'd have one of the very very few teachers who wouldn't give up on him. 'Help me!' he moaned to Hermione . 2) When he stuck up for Neville in front of Snape. Firstly, this gives a sense of how much he truly fears his teacher and the amount of damage Snape's bullying caused, and secondly, what perhaps we don't think about is that Neville faces Snape, his worst fear, almost every day for seven years. If Malfoy and his cronies weren't pointing and snickering at him, Snape was blatantly spouting insults . Because he had trauma from James JUST KIDDING. Severus Snape is a Bitch™, I believe this because of the way he treated Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, and because the only reason he's not a death eater was that Lily Potter was murdered. - Snape is a bully. James, it appears, grew up. This passage from Chapter 37 of Deathly Hallows, The Prince's Tale, is proof of that: The office dissolved but re-formed instantly. Instead of letting them go, Neville insists that they follow the rules and listen to their teachers. In the end of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter himself says that Severus Snape was the bravest man he knew. It is interesting to me that while the Harry Potter series is ultimately about Harry versus Voldemort, Voldemort does not show up until the final chapter. In interviews regarding the film production, JKR mentioned that apart from the screenwriter, Steve Kloves, she revealed the most information about the ending of Harry's saga . Lily Potter in some capacity might have been his boggart when she lived. A Story Of Love and Bullying - Harry Potter 1. If anything, this fact really cements the idea that Snape was not the hero that Harry made him out to be in the end. Snape was often bullied on his youth. Harry didn't suffer in silence. "I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation," he said, "and I am sure he will perform it admirably." . #two episodes because #im very busy these weeks #and im not making much for the blog #this wasnt even scripted it completely spontaneous #like the previous one #i have a script for sandd until the end of year one #but not in the way you may think lol #btw dumbledore is not twerking #hes wiggling the tail #and severus touch was completely . 30 July 1980) was a British pure-blood wizard, the only child and son of Frank and Alice Longbottom. Snape was pacing up and down in front of Dumbledore. The first time was during Dueling Club, where he mocked Neville's lack of skills to Lockhart. Snape was part of a group of bullies who would later join the Death Eaters. neville boggart snapeis everton catholic or protestant. Professor Lupin had raised his eyebrows. Lily sighed, turning back towards Snape and Neville, pouting as though someone had taken away her new toy. On at least two occasion,s Snape took it upon himself to belittle Neville in front of a crowd, including at least one other professor. When Harry invades Professor Snape's memories, he finds a memory where James Potter and the original gang were bullying Snape. Hermione and Malfoy could've been a . Pensieve memories are admissible as evidence in a court of law. Harry is appropriately devastated when he learns that Snape and his beloved Half-Blood Prince are one and the same. Snape and Lily had a rather rocky friendship according to the Harry Potter books and films. Or being completely cowed by Umbridge. He seemed to have overlooked one of his fellow classmates being tormented by Snape. Snape didn't just torture Neville within the confines of his classroom. Finding out he was a father to a nine-year-old girl, Severus Snape didn't . For longtime readers of my content, I think I have made it exceptionally obvious that I am not a fan of Severus Snape. Snape didn't just torture Neville within the confines of his classroom. His boggart took the form of Snape, and few people saw the problem with that. Neville Longbottom knew tragedy from an early age. Notes. Professor Snape was notorious for his harsh teaching style but this took on a whole new level with Harry. Snape has a hooked nose, greasy black hair, and sallow skin. 'Mister Potter' was singled out at the start of his first Potions lesson, mocked by his teacher and sniggered at by the Slytherins. Over the years, they became as inseparable as brother and sister. Whether it was hating Harry because of James, mocking Hermione's appearance, or bullying Neville so badly Neville was terrified of him, Snape made bad choice after bad choice in how he treated his students. Severus Snape is immature, vindictive, delusional, and misogynistic. SNAPE FOOLED ME every time. Answer (1 of 17): > Why did Snape bully Neville and Hermione even though their parents didn't bully him? Professor Lupin had raised his eyebrows. Snape was a menace and had no business teaching. He visits them often and is reminded of their absence from his life. Sure enough Snape was labeled under Defense, and Potions. And gives examples - Flitwick making it zoom aroun the classroom, and Snape bullying Neville by threatening the toad. He's just a perfect pick for a bully. Or rather, I should say, Rowling did. Pettigrew tried to do the exact same thing to his father, but he jerked his hand off and pushed the fair-haired away, then turning his face right . His parents were literally tortured to insanity, but survived physically. We see in the Boggart scene in Prisoner of Azkaban that Neville's worst fear is Snape. No, of course not; but it is understandable, although I know most people refuse to do that (understand) because they think looking at the world from Snape's view would mean they have . The post also acknowledges that Snape's hatred of mediocrity and own experience with bullying could also have contributed to his treatment of Neville, and overall we'd say this is a pretty . There is no other explanation. Insists and takes the slightest offence when people make fun of him, while never missing the chance to bullying Neville, Harry or Hermione. "Tut, tut-fame clearly isn't everything.". Genres: Fantasy Not possible. It is quite understandable that Snape hated Neville so much because Neville could have been the chosen one.. meaning Lily would not have died. These Severus Snape quotes prove just how much of a bully he is to his students. Character Analysis Of Snape. For his trouble, Neville finds himself paralyzed and unable to stop his friends. When Harry found out he was a wizard, he was happy to find that Holly was a witch too, and one day, she would enter his new world with him. "I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation," he said, "and I am sure he will perform it admirably." If he has managed to produce a Shrinking Solution, it will shrink to a tadpole. . The saga has continued in other forms, but fans have come up with one theory about Professor Snape and Harry's friend Neville Longbottom. Snape was an asshole. . 5 Best: Trying to stop Professor Quirrell mayo, 12 2022 By . Neville's boggart being Snape is another perfect example of how horrible a person Severus Snape is, no student's worst fear should be a teacher who they have to spend quite a bit of time with nine months out of the year . It states that Neville appears to take the toad to lessons. I learned while watching the blu ray version of the series that during the shooting of the first film, Rowling had pulled the actor Alan Rickman aside, letting him know the true arc of his character's journey. Although Harry sees Snape's shiftiness as black and . J.K. Rowling changes her mind on Harry Potter ending 02:54. It's very rare to see people being nice to Neville because so often he's the butt of everyone's jokes or being horrendously tortured by Snape, so we all cheered when Lupin not only defended Neville but praised him after Snape's casual bullying comments about Neville's capabilities. Neville makes it clear it's the Carrows, not Snape, who have made Hogwarts awful. I have seen further attempts to 'justify' the bullying by saying Snape lied in his memories. But we don't meet Snape before Lily dies. Neville was bullied to the point where the thing he feared the most was Snape. Neville was pink and trembling. He tells Lupin that Neville is useless without Hermione to help him, and tells the entire dueling club that Neville "causes devastation with the simplest of spells." Snape is also cruel to one of the top students in the class. Snape had such a negative effect on Neville that Neville's boggart turns out to be Snape. Yes I will like Snape when you give me one valid excuse for Severus-bravestmanever-Snape abusing his power as a teacher and bullying small kids (Harry, Hermione, NEVILLE, and Gryffindors to be specific). We know that Snape bullied Neville during Potions, hence why Neville's Boggart was Snape in Prisoner of Azkaban. 'Everyone gather 'round', said Snape, his black eyes glittering, 'and watch . The only student Snape "protects" is Draco, and even then barely manages to do it. In his mind, it doesn't matter that. When Snape subs for Lupin, still full of spite for the man, he assigns the class an essay on identifying and killing a werewolf while knowing very well that the lycanthrope would have to read through the gruesome details of each one. 10 BULLYING STUDENTS, ESPECIALLY NEVILLE This is the most overall point on this entire list because it's hard to narrow it down to just a couple of moments. Related images: Snape in the Movies Highly acclaimed film and stage actor, Alan Rickman, played Severus Snape in all eight movies. After she broke off her friendship with Snape, she fell in love with James and married him. "Professor Snape is teaching DADA," Neville squeaked. Yet hate him he did, so much that the thing which thirteen year old Neville found most frightening was his Potions teacher. However, the thing that Neville fears more than anything is Professor Snape. Neville was in heavens. . Love him or hate him, you've got to admit that Snape did some pretty horrible things in his time at Hogwarts. On top of that, shall we recall the bullying and harassment Neville endured at Hogwarts? Harry glared at Snape; it was bad enough that he bullied Neville in his own classes, let alone doing it in front of other teachers. We meet him after the fact. Perhaps some of his worst behavior was directed at the students. In both instances of bullying, not only is Neville treated unkindly, but he's portrayed as a second-class citizen. Chapter 1. . Neville's progression from zero to hero, particularly as he gains more confidence and power, had the potential to be way more interesting than Harry's story. He treats almost all of his students horribly, and it's amazing how he is allowed to get away with it. "I'm going to die. mayo, 12 2022 By . I know it is not the original with Susie Shinner.But since they never made that scene, I. Though Snape bullied Harry, he also saved him. Snape is a bully. Home | Recent | Browse | Authors | Search | Challenges | Fiction Stats | Links | Login | . I should like to take a moment and address a related issue which I have come across from time to time. Neville went scarlet. . Why was Neville bullied? Trending Professor Snape, as many will know, was a huge . Neville was bullied to the point where the thing he feared the most was Snape. Usually bullied boys become bullys when they grow up. He was Slytherin - so obviously he hated Gryffindors. He is a brilliant potioneer, but he prefers to direct his energy into bullying twelve-year-olds and nursing grudges. The deaths at the Battle of . Rowling patiently - and sometimes exasperatedly - explained that Snape, played by Alan Rickman in the "Harry Potter" movies, was not all good nor all bad. All those years later, Severus Snape was still bullying school-boys. Neville remembered that Slughorn had slipped away during the war, straight after his one year of teaching, never to be seen again. But what really sent me over the edge was Snape. Now, I will say that the late Alan Rickman did an absolutely fantastic job portraying him in the . Answer (1 of 7): Was Severus Snape's treatment of Neville Longbottom at all defensible in any way shape or form? He takes an instant dislike to Harry, which Quirrell later reveals is due to the fact that Snape and Harry's father, James, hated each other when they attended Hogwarts together.Harry spends most of the book convinced that Snape is trying to steal the . He picked out Neville because it's an easy pick for a bully, he's shy, weak, an orphan, he's from Snape's most disliked house and not very good at his subject. If anything, this fact really cements the idea that Snape was not the hero that Harry made him out to be in the end. This is my second attempt at Snape's Memory.I hope you all enjoy it. Professor Snape is the Potions teacher at Hogwarts and Head of Slytherin House. He lied. Ron looked over his schedule. Share Improve this answer answered Apr 15, 2014 at 11:56 "No harm done Mr Potter," Slughorn responded, his own smile upon his lips. Then we get back to our dorms and finish the year in peace. I'm going to die," Neville repeated, slowly chanting it under his breath. Therefore, everything in a memory is truth. Why was Neville bullied? When he first met Lily at Hogwarts, she snubbed him because of his bullying of her friend Severus Snape. Severus Snape, a deviant, shady and a strict character with whom throughout the Harry Potter series kept the audience second-guessing where his allegiance laid. The post also acknowledges that Snape's hatred of mediocrity and own experience with bullying could also have contributed to his treatment of Neville, and overall we'd say this is a pretty . . In addition to bullying Neville, Snape humiliates Hermione on multiple occasions. B. . This means that Voldemort — while being the over-hanging threat that looms in the shadows — is not the "Main Antagonist". Or ruining Lupin's career. Frank Longbottom had just punched Black in the face, preventing more bullying. James died trying to protect his wife and infant son from Voldemort. - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 8 "The . Severus Snape is perhaps the most problematic character in the entire Harry Potter series. He seemed to have overlooked one of his fellow classmates being tormented by Snape. The simple fact is that Snape is a big bully. He seemed to have overlooked one of his fellow classmates being tormented by Snape. Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive. Neville went scarlet. Here are 25 details behind the pair. Neville Longbottom, student at Hogwarts and interim leader of Dumbledore's Army . There's a whole essay in why . The first time was during Dueling Club, where he mocked Neville's lack of skills to Lockhart. Maybe he's too busy bullying students to the point where he literally becomes Neville's worst fear. He was a half-blood born to Eileen Prince and Tobias . Please spare me and yourself from the inconvenience if your valid reasons are RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Reasons Lily Potter Should Have Been With Snape (And 5 Why James Was The Right Choice) Snape is without a doubt one of those characters. Harry glared at Snape; it was bad enough that he bullied Neville in his own classes, let alone doing it in front of other teachers. Snape is abusing his position over the students and bullying them nearly to the point of tears at some points. Snape's hostility didn't diminish over the school year, either. neville boggart snapeblue profile picture 2021. mayo, 12 2022 By . But in real life, the relationship between the two was . The bullying reference is clearly only in reference to Snape - it isn't even a case of misleading through poor sentence structure. neville boggart snapeis everton catholic or protestant. Whether teachers do that or not is beside the point, it is harmful and definitely not part of modern education. However, in Order of the Phoenix, Dolores Umbridge (the DADA teacher) became High Inquisitor, inspecting classes, including Snape's. Did Umbridge witness Snape's bullying Neville during her inspection of Snape's class? "- mediocre, arrogant as his father, a determined rule-breaker, delighted to find himself famous, attention-seeking and impertinent -". Snape had such a negative effect on Neville that Neville's boggart turns out to be Snape. As disturbing as it may seem, he's . They were .

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snape bullying neville
